We are all searching for answers, searching for soulmates, searching for happiness...How will we ever know which path to take, which door to open? Step one, I call off the search . Then I start knocking. The initial door to knock on is your own; see if you are home first. Have you taken the time to get to know yourself? Have you made an appointment with 'me, myself and I' lately? Sometimes, I have five minutes for my "me" appointment and other times I have tons of time, like, 15 minutes. I sit in the silence, breathe, breathe some more, tune into how I feel; ...how I feel in my body,... how I feel in my life and how I feel in my heart. In the silence, I knock on my soul's door and I ask for support and I ask for love and I ask for help. In the silence, I asked to be filled with the light of the Divine so that I may again remember how to create another blessed day of joy and gratitude. This brings me back to neutral, I am opinion-free, ready to look at the world with fresh eyes and an open heart.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
knock, knock, who's there?
We are all searching for answers, searching for soulmates, searching for happiness...How will we ever know which path to take, which door to open? Step one, I call off the search . Then I start knocking. The initial door to knock on is your own; see if you are home first. Have you taken the time to get to know yourself? Have you made an appointment with 'me, myself and I' lately? Sometimes, I have five minutes for my "me" appointment and other times I have tons of time, like, 15 minutes. I sit in the silence, breathe, breathe some more, tune into how I feel; ...how I feel in my body,... how I feel in my life and how I feel in my heart. In the silence, I knock on my soul's door and I ask for support and I ask for love and I ask for help. In the silence, I asked to be filled with the light of the Divine so that I may again remember how to create another blessed day of joy and gratitude. This brings me back to neutral, I am opinion-free, ready to look at the world with fresh eyes and an open heart.