- What if all you had to do to feel better about life was to breathe out the stress and to imagine yourself filled with healing light?
- What if you couldn't possibly realize it was really that simple, until you actually tried it once?
- What if that part of you that doubts everything were set aside for an hour, so that you could experience a new possibility?
- What if you tried this new healing process and you were amazed and transformed as a result?
- And what if that whole process of healing the layers of stuff you've accumulated in your life could be done in the privacy of your own home, in your own comfortable chair?
We all have our own personal internal skeptic, that part of us that learned a long time ago not to get our hopes up--or you will surely be disappointed. I invite you to embrace your skeptic, acknowledge your skeptic and then let your inner skeptic come out and play. Do your own experiment; your results will be your proof. Join me for an Invocations of Grace session and see for your self.
A skeptic is a person who doubts and questions information, in order to discover what is true. From the ancient Greek schools, the skeptikos is the one who reflects, looks and views. In the truest sense, the skeptic is a scientist; one who needs proof that something is true. I love skeptics, I am your biggest fan. I, too, am one who questions everything and I am one who now knows what truth feels like.
Unfortunately, most of us use a very limited tool to determine if something is true; our intellect. Most of us have forgotten how to use the most important discerning tool we have; our body. Our body responds instantly to every stimulus we are subjected to; we will have a gut instinct, a warm feeling, a tightness, an expansion; to name a few. Our body knows what is right for us before our intellect kicks in and starts analyzing. "Trust your Vibes" by Sonia Choquette is one of my favorite books out on the shelves right now that reminds us to listen to the body.
We spend most of our life analyzing our life experiences and as a result most of these experiences are still waiting to be processed for resolution or completion. Our intellect is ill equipped to completely process our experiences; as this is ignoring the bulk of the information, which is feelings. We end up with a back log of data that our body is forced to wade through daily. The fuller our internal closets get, the more difficult it gets to move around. Our internal flow is compromised by our outdated junk; and this creates stress.
There are ways to relieve stress; exercise, proper foods, meditation and tai chi to name a few. Then there are ways to eliminate stress; by cleaning out the backlog of obsolete data and by breathing out unresolved emotions and outdated beliefs. It is a thing which must be experienced to fully understand its potential.
Simple, uncomplicated healing, which doesn't require re-living the past; just healing it. I invite you to appreciate yourself fully, accepting who you are in the moment and being open to unlimited amounts of joy and love in your life. Everything is possible, we just forgot this truth. I look forward to sharing Invocations of Grace with you on our next call.