There is one planet no one can ignore it's frequencies. The sun's influence is quite strong and quite easily felt. The moon has effects which also can be documented. Why then, do we draw the line for the rest of the planets; who clearly also have frequencies which occur on more subtle levels?
Back to the 'flavor of the month', as I call it. Responsibility or Commitment, that is the question. Many of us are stuck in our lives because we do not want to take responsibility for our actions or even take responsible actions at all. In fact, anything that smacks of responsibility leaves a bad taste in our mouths. Why has being responsible become such a negative?
Look no further than your own childhood. Mom is yelling throughout the house, "who is responsible for this mess?" (If I had a nickel...) In my childhood with three siblings, it was a miraculous event when one of us claimed responsibility for "the mess." More frequently we relied on the "not me" theory of explanation, which naturally implied that there really are aliens and that they are very messy. Avoidance was mastered early in my house of pain, because that would always be the result of 'taking responsibility for your actions.' Not to blame mom at all, she was doing her job as best she could. I may even have to admit to similar experiences in my own children's lives--you know, before I healed all my stuff--right. (still in process, process, process)
Fear of responsibility is born of similar circumstances to these and by the time we are adults, we may be quite skewed in this area. The good news is that this too can be healed. Releasing old fears, old hatreds, old angers and old guilts paves the way for new choices and new beginnings. Re-committing to yourself is the first step, I now commit to my true self and allow that aspect to shine through me. Gradually, as our comfort with commitment increases, we find it easier to commit to things around us. Eventually, the word responsibility may lose it's bad connotation--it is a great word. In Jamie Sam's Sacred Path cards, she has a great description of responsibility--it is our ability to respond.
I think we all would like that in our lives.